Are the words:
…part of your vocabulary?
Do you give these gifts to yourself freely?
Today is a reminder to just take care of you…yes, YOU!
This time especially may be when memories of loved ones that have passed, isolation, and loneliness can get the best of us.
I want to encourage you what you are feeling is normal and natural…and I want you to take some time for yourself.
~Spend some quiet time doing something you love (try a puzzle, spend time with your animal, or try a new recipe).
~Spend some time doing physical activity (go for a short walk, go the gym, or do a little stretching).
~Spend some time with the ones you love (meet for a cup of coffee, schedule a Zoom to catch up, or give me a call!).
~Spend some time volunteering (find a local non-profit or business that needs some support).
If none of these ideas sound good to you, what would you like to do? I encourage you to make a list of activities that fuel your mind, body, and spirit—then take some time for some self-love!