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Are You the "Architect" or "Builder" of Your Life?


I was listening to the radio this morning and the host asked a curious question:

Are you the architect or builder of your life? 

As I pondered the question, I thought:

How can we know which role we are in, which is more helpful and when?

The role of architect and the role of builder both have their unique responsibilities and contributions. By understanding the differences–and how to balance between them–can help guide us in navigating the journey of life more effectively.

The Architect Role

The architect is the visionary, the planner, the one who conceptualizes the grand design of how life can be. 

Responsibilities of the Architect: 

  • Setting the overarching goals

  • Creating the blueprint 

  • Defining the purpose and direction

We play the role of architect when we set long-term goals, create a vision for our future, and decide on the values and principles that will guide our choices.

By taking time to reflect on our aspirations, passions, and dreams, we can set clear intentions and objectives. We can begin to see how they relate to our career, relationships, personal growth, or what we’d like to improve. As the architect, we can design a life that aligns with our values that brings happiness, peace, and fulfillment.

The Builder

The builder, on the other hand, is the executor, the doer, the one who brings the architect's vision to life. As we take our detailed plans, we are better able to put them into action, “brick by brick.” 

Responsibilities of the Builder:

  • Works toward our goals

  • Make choices

  • Takes steps to achieve what we've set out to do

Being the builder means taking consistent and deliberate action to turn our visions into reality, no matter how challenging it can be. Through this role, we are better able to adapt to changing circumstances, learn from setbacks, and persevere in the face of obstacles.

Here are some tips on how to integrate these roles for success: 

Set Clear Goals: Play the architect first by defining your long-term and short-term goals, which will help create a clearer vision for your life. Ask questions like:

“What do I want to achieve?”

“What values are important to me at this time?” 

By identifying what really matters, you begin laying down our first bricks. 

Plan and Strategize: Develop a roadmap to reach your goals by breaking down your vision into actionable steps. Some helpful questions to ask: 

“What do I want to be different?” 

“What resources do I need?” 

“Who can I reach out to for support?”

Take Action: This step will move you into the builder's role. By taking consistent steps and consistent action, you can build on the foundation of your plan. Some helpful questions to ask: 

“What obstacles do I see ahead?”

“How can I adapt to challenges?” 

Evaluate and Adjust: Periodically it’s ok to step back into the architect's role and reflect on your progress. This is a time where adjustments may need to be made or to realistically look at your goals and do something different.

Maintain Balance: By identifying the balance between being the architect, setting the direction, and being the builder, taking action, we can avoid overthinking, jumping into situations or moving without purpose.

Life doesn’t always go as planned and it’s easy to get off track sometimes. When we give ourselves space and permission to be flexible, laying the bricks to our foundation becomes easier and more enjoyable.   

What is it about the architect or builder that appeals to you? 

How are you the architect without the builder…or are you a builder without an architect?

As always, however you are feeling today, I want you to know that you are never alone. I encourage you to reach out—if not to me, then to someone! 

I believe in you,


P.S. How helpful was this? If you think of someone who may benefit, please do not hesitate to forward this information. Thank you!

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