Save Your Marriage Before It Starts
This resource has a proven track record of success among couples:
87% of young adults plan to be married eventually
82% expect to be married for life
76% of married couples say they wish they had pre-marriage education
86% of Americans over 18 say all couples considering marriage should get pre-marriage education
Couples who do not receive pre-marriage education are more likely to see their problems as atypical and unsolvable
41% of divorced couples say lack of pre-marriage preparation contributed to their divorce
Couples are 31% less likely to get divorced if they get some sort of pre-marriage training
Couples who participate in pre-marriage programs experience a 30% increase in marital success and fulfillment
The SYMBIS assessment is the world's most practical marriage assessment. If you are thinking about marriage, are currently engaged, married, on your second (or third, or fourth marriage...hey no judgment here!) I encourage you to take this next small step to creating the marriage of your dreams.
Click here to schedule a call and begin your assessment won't be disappointed!